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Contains 15 Product(s)
The EI Course has been produced by AAII and is now only $239! (use code EIVIPRate). This course is open and available to any individual who is interested in developing a better understating of personal finance and the building of wealth through investing. This all-inclusive course structure has mandatory classes, an exam, certification, a certificate of completion and all the EI Course listed benefits.
Welcome to AAII's Essential Investing Course Preview!The EI Course is now only $239! Discount will be applied at check out with the promotion code: EIVIPRate
This * AAII Essential Investing Course preview has been created to allow participants to preview the overall structure, features and certain components of the EI Course prior to registering. .
After registering for this *AAII Essential Investing Course version, both the EI Structured Course and the EI FlexiLearn Course will appear in the "My Classes" area on this AAII Learn website.
If you have already registered for the EI Course, please login to the AAII Learn website and select either the EI Structured Course and/or the EI FlexiLearn Course to officially begin.
AAII's Essential Investing Course is a professionally produced, full-featured interactive investment education course focusing on essential investing principles and strategies. The EI Course is open to both AAII members and nonmembers and is delivered through a comprehensive learning management system (LMS). The EI Course contains individual VES Classes featuring industry-leading investment experts presenting on various topics. The EI Course contains two course versions and is AAII’s most complete Video Education Suite (VES) offering.
The first version is the EI Structured Course, which is the recommended format. This version contains sequential mandatory classes, an exam, AAII EI Course Certification, a certificate and access to all the EI Course Certification benefits. Completing the EI Structured Course is the only way to attain EI Course Certification.
The second version, the EI FlexiLearn Course, is for individuals who would like to access the EI Course classes in any order, at any time, and who are not interested in the exam, EI Certification or EI Course benefits.
Both EI Course versions are automatically placed in the “My Classes” area on the AAII Learn website when purchasing the EI Course. Both EI Course versions contain all the components of each VES Class, and both EI Course versions can be accessed at any time.
EI Course features and benefits are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please go to www.aaii.com/eicourse.
EI Course Version Overview
The EI Course has two versions, which are both included with your EI Course registration.
Each version comprises modules (opening, continuation and concluding) and VES Classes.
- EI Structured Course
- Mandatory classes
- Classes must be completed in a sequential manner
- Includes a trial period
- Certification exam
- AAII EI Course Certificate (passing participants)
- EI Course certification benefits (passing participants)
- Includes full access to the supplemental EI FlexiLearn Classes
- EI Structured and EI FlexiLearn Course Guidelines
- Both EI Course versions are included with the single purchase of the Essential Investing Course
- EI Course participants are encouraged to use both the EI Structured and FlexiLearn Courses
- Classes that are completed in one course version are automatically credited in the other course version
- The free trial period is forfeited after completion of the "EI Course Continuation" module
- Unless noted, both EI Course versions are bound by the same terms and conditions, as detailed in VES Agreement and Disclaimer document
- The Essential Investing Course includes over 12 hours of education from some of the most respected investing professionals in their related fields. Included in this course are reference and research articles, workbooks, spreadsheets and several investment indicators and tools that all course participants are free to use.
- The content in the Essential Investing Course has been studio recorded, audio engineered and professionally produced in high definition, with an interface that includes searchability, interactivity, closed captioning, advanced navigation controls and self-monitored testing. Investment topics include basic principles of investing, personal finance, stock picking, fundamental investing, technical analysis, behavioral finance and a variety of money management techniques.
Help & Resources
EI Course Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $399
- More Information
- EI Structured Course
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, legendary investor Ken Fisher shares some of the most important investment lessons that he has learned over the last 50 years. This guest speaker class includes testing and credits.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class, then please proceed to the "Snapshot" section (tab) to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide - 5 Things You Need to Know to Complete This VES Class
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section proceeding to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a popup blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review before your FIRST Class (located below):
- How to Navigate a VES Class - detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs - answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller - instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Section Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements, and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools, and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions, or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools..
Additional Resources (attached below): .
- VES Class Welcome Video - welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer - primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs - answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights - overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations - quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines - rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview - reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next section (tab) labeled "Snapshot". >>>
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com
This VES Class offers investors a rare opportunity to learn from one of the most influential investors of our time. While in front of a beautiful setting (you will love the fireplace), Ken Fisher covers a variety of topics on how he became and how you can become a successful investor. Topics include education suggestions, personality and trait analysis, common investor mistakes, market cycles, investment cycles, portfolio management, foreign investments and coverage of various fundamental ratios and investing strategies. Of all the AAII VES Classes available, this is truly one that should not be missed.
Class Details
Organization: Fisher Investments ...............................................................) Presenter: Ken Fisher Title: 50 Years of Investing Wisdom Duration: 45 Minutes Credits: 3 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: No Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: General Investing Principles Recommended Level: Novice Appropriate: All Investors ____________________________________ Class Criteria
Credit Accrual: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) ....... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: N/A ______ Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: ..................................................................... N/A Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: AAII's Essential Investing Course Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Membership | AAII Journal ____ Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
- Words of Wisdom
Ken Fisher
Founder, Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer
Fisher Investments
Ken Fisher is the founder, executive chairman and co-chief investment officer of Fisher Investments, a $67 billion-plus asset management firm spanning six continents institutionally for high-net-worth individuals. He has written 11 books, including four New York Times bestsellers, and has penned the Forbes Portfolio Strategy column for 31 years, making him the second-longest-running columnist in Forbes’ 98-year history. He also writes regular columns for Germany’s Focus Money and Britain’s Financial Times.
A prize-winning researcher, Fisher’s early 1970s theoretical work is the first writing and research on today’s widely used price-to-sales (P/S) ratio. In 2010, ThinkAdvisor named Fisher one of the industry’s 30 most influential people over the prior 30 years. He won the 2009 Tiburon CEO Summit’s inaugural award for “Challenging Conventional Wisdom.” He is ranked 211 on the 2015 Forbes “400 List of Richest Americans.”
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $99
- More Information
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, Derek Hageman covers all of the essential elements for becoming a successful dividend investor. This comprehensive class includes testing, a bonus video, additional research resources and complementary access to AAII's latest "3 Rock-Solid Dividend Winners."
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Derek Hageman covers all of the essential elements of dividend investing. Coverage includes dividend investing pros and cons, what dividends are, how they work, the various types, important dividend dates, payment options, calculation methods, various strategies and approaches, analysis and valuation techniques, sustainability metrics and even guidance on when to sell. When you add in a bonus video, additional research resources and complimentary access to AAII's latest "3 Rock-Solid Dividend Winners," you have a comprehensive VES Class on dividend investing.
Class Details
Organization: AAII a............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Presenter: Derek Hageman Title: Dividend Investing Duration: 1 Hour & 12 Minutes Credits: 3 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Stock Selections: "3 Rock-Solid Dividend Winners" Bonus Video: "Dividend Investing Myths" Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: Dividend Investing aaaaaaaaaaaa Knowledge Level: Beginner - Intermediate Appropriate: Stock Investors Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) ......... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: .................................................................... Introduction to Stock Investing Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: AAII's Essential Investing Course Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Dividend Investing Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio
- Testing for Class Credits
Derek J. Hageman
AAII Financial Analyst, Editor of the AAII Dividend Investing (DI) service
American Association of Individual Investors
Derek J. Hageman was a financial analyst at AAII. He was editor of the AAII Dividend Investing (DI) advisory service and served on the Stock Superstars Report (SSR) advisory committee. Hageman earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and French from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and an MBA from the University of Denver. He was a Level III Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Candidate and analyzed both publicly traded and privately held companies. Hageman’s experience included working as an equity analyst at a long/short value investment firm, a real estate investment manager for a family office and a senior associate at a private equity firm. He started his career as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal, West Africa.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $99
- More Information
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, AAII's senior financial analyst, Wayne Thorp, discusses the core concepts and elements related to fundamental stock screening. This comprehensive educational segment includes a number of enhancements, including definitions, slides and several additional research articles.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Wayne Thorp covers one of the most important topics for investors regarding stock selections: fundamental stock screening. Complete coverage of the basic elements of fundamental stock screening includes what stock screening is, the benefits of a stock screening approach, caveats of a stock screening approach, and how to build a stock screen. Intermediate-level concepts include the key factors that have been historically relevant when creating a fundamental stock screen and some of the most critical relationships between stock screening factors (size, category, momentum, price-to-book ratio, and quality).
Class Details
Organization: AAII Presenter: Wayne A. Thorp Title: Fundamental Stock Screening Duration: 38 Minutes Credits: 2 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Bonus Video: AAII's Complimentary Stock Screens Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: Fundamental Stock Screens ......... Knowledge Level: Beginner - Intermediate Appropriate: Stock Investors Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) .......... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: .............................................................................. Introduction to Stock Investing ..................................................... Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: Fundamental Stock Screening Approaches Associated AAII Offerings: A+ Investor | Stock Investor Pro Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Wayne A. Thorp
CFA, AAII Senior Financial Analyst
American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
Wayne Thorp is the head of research and analysis products at AAII. He is also AAII's senior financial analyst and a vice president. Since joining AAII in 1997, Wayne has written extensively on fundamental stock analysis, quantitative stock screening and technical analysis. Thorp is also the lead analyst and editor for the Stock Superstars Report investment newsletter, product manager for AAII's A+ Investor investment discovery, analysis and tracking service, and product manager for Stock Investor Pro, AAII's fundamental stock screening and research database software. Wayne was born and raised in the "Thumb" of Michigan and is a 1997 honors graduate of DePaul University in Chicago Illinois. Thorp was awarded the right to use the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2002.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $99
- More Information
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, AAII's senior financial analyst Wayne Thorp outlines two of his favorite fundamental stock strategies: a value strategy by John Neff and a growth strategy by William O'Neil. This VES Class includes a number of educational enhancements including definitions, slides and several research articles.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Wayne Thorp covers in detail the reasoning, components, interpretations, construction and execution of two investing strategies from two of the world's greatest investors. The first strategy is a value-oriented stock strategy based on work by legendary Vanguard Windsor fund manager John Neff. The second strategy is a growth stocks strategy based on work by Investor's Business Daily (IBD) founder William O'Neil.
Class Details
Organization:............................... AAII Presenter: Wayne A. Thorp Title: Fundamental Stock Strategies Duration: 32 Minutes Credits: 2 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Bonus Video: The Key to Fundamental Stock Investing Course Inclusion: FlexiLearn Course Class Focus
Topic: Fundamental Stock Screens ... Knowledge Level: Beginner - Intermediate Appropriate: Stock Investors Segment Criteria
Credits Accrued: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) .. SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions:..................................................................... Introduction to Stock Investing...................................................... Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: Fundamental Stock Screening Elements Associated AAII Offerings: A+ Investor | Stock Investor Pro Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Wayne A. Thorp
CFA, AAII Senior Financial Analyst
American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
Wayne Thorp is the head of research and analysis products at AAII. He is also AAII's senior financial analyst and a vice president. Since joining AAII in 1997, Wayne has written extensively on fundamental stock analysis, quantitative stock screening and technical analysis. Thorp is also the lead analyst and editor for the Stock Superstars Report investment newsletter, product manager for AAII's A+ Investor investment discovery, analysis and tracking service, and product manager for Stock Investor Pro, AAII's fundamental stock screening and research database software. Wayne was born and raised in the "Thumb" of Michigan and is a 1997 honors graduate of DePaul University in Chicago Illinois. Thorp was awarded the right to use the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2002.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $99
- More Information
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, Morningstar's director of personal finance and retirement planning, Christine Benz, discusses the key elements related to the creation, monitoring and redemption of a retirement portfolio's assets. This comprehensive VES Class includes a number of enhancements, including definitions, slides and several research articles.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Christine Benz covers the key elements for creating and monitoring a retirement portfolio. Topics include how to approach investing for retirement, the pros and cons of various asset classes, guidance on the appropriate percentage amounts of those asset classes and learning how to adjust and optimize your portfolio as one's life circumstances change. As one of Barron's most influential women in finance (2020 & 2021), Benz leads investors through the classic "bucket strategy" in the same enjoyable and informative manner that has made her one of the most popular and successful speakers on this topic.
Class Details
Organization: Morningstar Presenter: Christine Benz ............................................................ Title: How to Create a Portfolio for Retirement Duration: 24 Minutes Credits: 2 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: N/A Course Inclusion: FlexiLearn Course Class Focus
Topic: Retirement Investing.....................a Knowledge Level: Beginner - Intermediate Appropriate: Retirement Investors Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: .. Passing Test Score (>= 70%)............... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: ....................................................... N/A Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: AAII's Essential Investing Course Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Membership | AAII Journal___ Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Christine Benz
Director of Personal Finance & Retirement Planning Morningstar, Inc.
Christine Benz is director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar and senior columnist for Morningstar.com. In that role, she focuses on retirement and portfolio planning for individual investors. She also co-hosts a podcast for Morningstar, The Long View, which features in-depth interviews with thought leaders in investing and personal finance. She is a frequent public speaker and is widely quoted in the media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, CNBC, and PBS. In 2020, Barron’s named her to its inaugural list of the 100 most influential women in finance; she appeared on the 2021 list as well. In 2021, Barron’s named her as one of the 10 most influential women in wealth management.
Benz is author of 30-Minute Money Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances (Wiley, 2010). She is also co-author of Morningstar® Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star Strategies for Success, a national bestseller published in 2003, and author of the book’s second edition, which was published in 2005. Before assuming her current role in 2008, she served as Morningstar's director of mutual fund analysis and was editor of Morningstar Mutual Funds and Morningstar FundInvestor.
Benz holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Russian/East European studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a board member of the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy. Benz is also a member of The Alpha Group, a group of thought leaders from the wealth management industry from across the country. In her free time, she works with underprivileged women to improve their understanding of personal finance concepts.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $59
- More Information
Contains 7 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, AAII's senior financial analyst, Wayne Thorp, discusses the core concepts related to stocks and how to invest in them effectively. This comprehensive educational segment includes testing, two bonus video, additional research resources and AAII's classic book "AAII Investing Basics."
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Wayne Thorp covers one of the most important investing-related topics: investing in stocks. Complete coverage on the basic elements of stock investing includes how and where to invest, capital gains, cash and stock dividends, valuations, how to accurately measure stock returns, shorting stocks, the types of risks associated with stock investments, stock structures and classes, common and preferred stock, dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs), initial public offerings (IPOs), American depositary receipts (ADRs), special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), stock splits and reverse splits, fractional shares, dollar-cost averaging, exchanges, benchmarks and stock indexes. This VES Class also includes two bonus videos on "How to Read Stock Quotes" and the "Efficient Market Hypothesis," along with numerous research articles from his extensive history of writing on this topic.
Class Details
Organization: AAII Presenter: Wayne A. Thorp Title: Intro to Stock Investing ..................................................... Duration: 66 Minutes Credits: 3 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Free Book: "AAII Investing Basics" Bonus Video: "Reading Stock Quotes" Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: Stock Investing a...............................a Knowledge Level: Beginner - Intermediate Appropriate: Stock Investors Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: ............ Passing Test Score (>= 68%) ..................................... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 68%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: ................................................................... N/A.................................................. Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: Fundamental Stock Screening | Introduction to Technical Analysis Associated AAII Offerings: A+ Investor Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Wayne A. Thorp
CFA, AAII Senior Financial Analyst
American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
Wayne Thorp is the head of research and analysis products at AAII. He is also AAII's senior financial analyst and a vice president. Since joining AAII in 1997, Wayne has written extensively on fundamental stock analysis, quantitative stock screening and technical analysis. Thorp is also the lead analyst and editor for the Stock Superstars Report investment newsletter, product manager for AAII's A+ Investor investment discovery, analysis and tracking service, and product manager for Stock Investor Pro, AAII's fundamental stock screening and research database software. Wayne was born and raised in the "Thumb" of Michigan and is a 1997 honors graduate of DePaul University in Chicago Illinois. Thorp was awarded the right to use the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2002.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $99
- More Information
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, Charles Rotblut covers the basic elements of investing, including how to start, where to invest, the various types of accounts, the major types of investments and the keys to becoming a successful investor.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Charles Rotblut covers many of the starting and basic elements of investing. General areas include how to start, where to invest, the various types of accounts and the keys to becoming a successful investor. Specific investment areas include stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), options, metals and cryptocurrency.
This VES Class also includes nine accompanying worksheets and forms to assist each investor with their investment approach.
Class Details
Organization: AAII ................................................................ Presenter: Charles Rotblut ............................................................ Title: Investing 101 Duration: 28 Minutes Credits: 2 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Free Book: AAII Guide to ETFs Class Focus
Topic: Investing 101 ..................................... Knowledge Level: Novice Appropriate: All Investors Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: . Passing Test Score (>= 70%) ....... Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: ..................................................................... Wealth-Building Process Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: AAII's Essential Investing Course Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Membership & Journal _____ Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Interactive Forms
- Interactive Workbooks
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Charles Rotblut
AAII vice president and editor of the AAII Journal
American Association of Individual Investors
Charles Rotblut, CFA, is a vice president and financial analyst at AAII. He is the editor of the AAII Journal, created VMQ Stocks, co-created AAII Dividend Investing, helps to manage the Stock Superstars Report portfolio and authors the weekly AAII Investor Update email. Rotblut regularly speaks to the media, including CNBC and Kiplinger’s. He is also a Wall Street Journal expert panelist. His book, "Better Good than Lucky: How Savvy Investors Create Fortune with the Risk-Reward Ratio," was published in November 2010.
Rotblut holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has analyzed both publicly traded and privately held companies. His experience includes working for Zacks Investment Research, an investment research firm; INVESTools, an investment education company; Curian Capital, a money management firm; and McClure, Schumacher & Associates, a business valuation firm. Rotblut holds a bachelor's of science in journalism from the University of Kansas.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $39
- More Information
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, Charles Rotblut covers the fundamental aspects of mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that all investors should know. Areas of focus include fund evaluations, portfolio integration and comparison and selection criteria.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
In this VES Class, Charles Rotblut takes a comprehensive look at funds, including both mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Coverage includes how to construct a diversified portfolio, the key factors and metrics for evaluating a fund, how to compare and select funds and the reasons that an investor should consider selling a fund. Included in this class is information on how to use AAII’s Fund Evaluator, Fund Screener and Fund Compare Tool, which can be used for both mutual funds and ETFs.
Class Details
Organization: AAII ................................................................ Presenter: Charles Rotblut Title: Mutual Funds 101 Duration: 45 Minutes Credits: 2 Credits Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Book: "Better Good Than Lucky" Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: Mutual Funds AAAAAAAAAAAA Knowledge Level: Novice - Intermediate Appropriate: All Investors Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: . Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) Pre-Class | Post-Class Recommendations
Pre-Class Suggestions: ............................................................................. Investing 101 Class Associated Tools: AAII Fund Tools (website) Continuing Education Classes: AAII's Essential Investing Course Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Membership | AAII Journal _____ Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Segment Incentive Bonus
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Class Credits
Charles Rotblut
AAII vice president and editor of the AAII Journal
American Association of Individual Investors
Charles Rotblut, CFA, is a vice president and financial analyst at AAII. He is the editor of the AAII Journal, created VMQ Stocks, co-created AAII Dividend Investing, helps to manage the Stock Superstars Report portfolio and authors the weekly AAII Investor Update email. Rotblut regularly speaks to the media, including CNBC and Kiplinger’s. He is also a Wall Street Journal expert panelist. His book, "Better Good than Lucky: How Savvy Investors Create Fortune with the Risk-Reward Ratio," was published in November 2010.
Rotblut holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has analyzed both publicly traded and privately held companies. His experience includes working for Zacks Investment Research, an investment research firm; INVESTools, an investment education company; Curian Capital, a money management firm; and McClure, Schumacher & Associates, a business valuation firm. Rotblut holds a bachelor's of science in journalism from the University of Kansas.
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $59
- More Information
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this AAII VES Class, NAAIM representative and past-president David Moenning covers the important elements, the methods and the pros and cons of an active investing approach.
VES Class Instructions and Resources
If this is your first VES Class, please review the content on this page as it contains essential information that you will need to know to navigate the VES Class to completion. Referenced videos and documents can be retrieved from the repository at the bottom of this page. If you have previously completed another VES Class then please proceed to the "Snapshot" tab to continue with the class.
Quick Start Guide — 5 Things You Need to Know
- VES Class documents will appear in a separate window or be downloaded as a PDF to your download folder. Downloaded documents must be retrieved from your device’s download folder. This location will vary according to the type of device and/or browser that you are using.
- Each VES Class should be completed like reading a book. Start with the upper-left section on the page and go from the top component to the bottom component in that section. After completing that section, proceed to the next section to its immediate right.
- Components in the "Primary Presentation" section contain the video, test, benefits, credits and certificate. These components should be completed sequentially from the top to the bottom, as lower level components will only be unlocked after completion of the components above it. For instance, you must view at least 90% of a presentation video before you can open the class test.
- All the areas in a VES Class, including the presentation videos, will retain your progress. You do not have to finish an area or class in one session.
- Presentation videos are provided in an interactive (SCORM) format for more effective learning. Because the videos are interactive, you may have to bypass a pop-up blocker message before the video will start.
Highly Recommended Resources to Review Before Your FIRST Class
- How to Navigate a VES Class — detailed instructions to effectively navigate and complete a VES Class (video or document).
- Completing a VES Class FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked questions for completing a VES Class.
- Understanding the Interactive Video Controller — instructions for starting and controlling advanced features of a video (video or document).
Class Tab Descriptions:
Snapshot: An overview of the class topic, focus, requirements and components.
Instructor: A biography and the contact information on the class instructor.
Materials: Education materials to be reviewed prior to, or with, the presentation video, to aid comprehension.
Primary Present: VES Class primary components, including the video, test, benefits, credits and Certificate of Completion.
Resources: Additional learning resources include books, articles, forms, spreadsheets, AI Tools and related services.
Survey: Area for class participants to rate the instructor and the content of the class.
Discussion: Open forum area to post comments, ask questions or interact with other participants on the class content.
"?": Resources and contact information to obtain assistance for VES offerings, AAII membership and AI Tools.
Additional Resources
- VES Class Welcome Video — welcome video that includes a broad overview of AAII's Video Education Series.
- VES Agreement & Disclaimer — primary resource listing the terms and details for all AAII VES offerings.
- VES General FAQs — answers to the most frequently asked VES Class questions.
- VES Class Features & Highlights — overview of all the features that are included with a VES Class.
- VES Class Video Icon Assistance Designations — quick reference for identifying the icons in the class videos.
- Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines — rules and regulations for contributors to the discussion forum.
- Active Investing Workstation and AI Tools Overview — reference for AI Tool-based VES Classes only.
>> To continue with this VES Class, please proceed to the next tab labeled "Snapshot."
For technical issues, questions or concerns with this course please, contact the course administrator at ves@aaii.com.
This VES Class focuses on the definition of active investment management; an exploration of the active versus passive investing methodologies; an introduction to portfolio alpha, including the three methods of generating alpha (timing, selection and leverage); why investors should consider incorporating active management in their portfolios; an examination of risk management strategies, including the mathematics of loss as well as what risk management strategies can and cannot be expected to achieve; and a review of representative active investing strategies. This VES Class also includes a complimentary copy of the "Founders Award Desk Reference," an interactive guide to assist investors with selecting an active manager that is right for them.
Class Details
Organization: ....................... National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM)) Presenter: David Moenning Title: The Case For Active Management Duration: 11 Minutes Credits: 1 Credit Words of Wisdom: Yes Segment Incentive Bonus: Free Collection: Founders Award Desk Reference Course Inclusion: Structured & FlexiLearn Class Focus
Topic: Active Investment Management Recommended Level: Novice Appropriate: All Investors ____________________________________ Class Criteria
Credits Accrued: .. Passing Test Score (>= 70%). Words of Wisdom: Viewing Requirement (>= 90%) SIB Benefit: Passing Test Score (>= 70%) ______ Pre-Class | Post-class Recommendations
Pre-class Suggestions: N/A.................................................................................. Class Associated Tools: N/A Continuing Education Classes: Building Wealth Through Investing .................................................... Associated AAII Offerings: AAII Essential Investing Tools _____ Additional Elements Included
- Class Discussion Forum
- Class Survey
- Interactive Forms
- Key Terms & Definitions
- Learning Objectives
- Lesson Summary
- Preliminary Education Materials
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Resources Articles & Studies
- Speaker Bio/Contact Information
- Testing for Course Credits
National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM)
David Moenning (Past President)
National Association of Active Investment Managers
The National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM) was formed in 1989 as a non-profit association of registered investment advisers who provide active management services to investors. The goal of the NAAIM members is to produce favorable risk-adjusted returns for their clients as an alternative to more passive allocation strategies. Today NAAIM includes more than 110 advisory firm members managing an estimated $30 billion. These firms range from small regional advisers to large national firms with over $1 billion in assets under management. Other members of NAAIM include private equity fund managers, mutual fund companies, custodians and a variety of other firms that provide professional services to financial advisers.
David Moenning has had a long investment career starting in 1980 that included independent money management, a partner in a private money management firm and founded his own firm, Heritage Capital Management. Moenning is a Past President and Chairman of the National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM).
To Learn More About the NAAIM:
Email: info@naaim.org
Phone: (888) 261-0787
Getting Help
VES Class Information and Resources
For detailed information and a comprehensive listing of resources including technical issues, navigation, class structure, testing, credit accruals, agreements and certification, please go to: www.aaii.com/learn
VES Class or EI Course Questions
For specific VES Class or EI Course related question, please contact the VES coordinator at: ves@aaii.com
VES Class or EI Course Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of VES Classes, VES Packages, the EI Course and all their respective features and components please go to: www.aaii.com/ves
VES Class or EI Course Services
For general information on access, purchases, or refunds for a VES Class or the EI Course, please contact AAII's Member Services Department at: members@aaii.com
VES Agreement & Disclaimer
For complete details, terms, rights, and limitations with any VES Class, VES Package or AAII's EI Course please access the "VES Agreement and Disclaimer" document at: www.aaii.com/learn
AAII Membership
For AAII membership or other AAII-related inquiries, please contact AAII’s Member Services department at: members@aaii.com.
AAII’s Active Investing (AI) Tool Questions
For AI Tool analysis or application related questions, that are part of or referenced in this VES Class, please contact the AI Tools coordinator at: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Listings and Access
For purchases or a complete listing of all the AI Tools and their respective features, including platform availability, please go to: www.aaii.com/aitools
Active Investing (AI) Tool Platform Support
Platform related questions or inquiries, including installation, tool management or technical support questions, should be directed to the third-party provider that your AI Tools are being run from.
This VES Class was created and produced by the American Association of Individual Investors
© 2024 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 676-4300; www.aaii.com.
You must log in to register
- Member - $19
- More Information